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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on transport and communication

Modes of transport,types of land transport and types of roads

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Modes of Transport
- There are 3 common modes of transport namely land, water and air transport.
Land Transport
- The type that involves movement of people and goods on land.
Types of Land Transport
1. Human Porterage
-Movement of people from one place to other carrying light goods on their back, hands or shoulders or by using hand carts, trolleys, bicycles or motorcycles.
2. Use of animals
-Use of domesticated animals to carry goods and people on their back or pull loaded carts (drought animals).
3. Road Transport
- Means of transportation of people and goods by motor vehicles on roads.
Types of Roads
(a) All weather roads- which are used all year round i.e. tarmac and murrum roads.
(b) Dry weather roads- which are used reliably during dry seasons.
(c) Motorable trucks- which are used by people on foot and by vehicles on dry season. A truck is a path or rough road made by people, vehicles or animals.
Principal Trans-Continental Highways in Africa
-Great North Road connecting Cape Town and Cairo through Tanzania, Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia.
- Trans-Africa Highway from the Port of Mombasa to Dakar in Senegal through east and Central Africa.
- Dakar-Djamena Highway through Core De Ivoire , Nigeria and Chad.
- Trans-Sahara Highway from Lagos to Tripoli through Algeria.
4. Railway Transport
- Means of transporting people and goods using trains or rails.
5. Pipelines
-Means of movement of fluid or gas products such as water, gas and oil through pipes from one place to another. Pumping stations are constructed along the pipelines to keep the product flowing steadily.
- In Kenya the main oil pipeline extends from Mombasa through Nairobi to Kisumu and Eldoret where there are main oil depots. The pipeline is
managed by Kenya Pipeline Corporation.
