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 Political Developments and the Struggle for Independence in Kenya (1919-1963)

Constitutional changes leading to independence in Kenya and the African representation to the Legco

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Constitutional changes leading to independence in Kenya
African representation to the Legco.
-In 1944, Eliud Mathu, a former teacher at Alliance School, the first African was appointed to the LegCo. KAU’s demand for more representation in 1946 caused the appointment of Benaiah Ohanga as the second African to the LegCo.
By 1948, there were four Africans in the LegCo compared to 11 Europeans, 5 Asians and 2 Arabs.
-Various commission reports made significant pointers to the fact that the British government had realized the need to involve Africans in the administration and need to reduce settler influence. For example;
The representation brought changes like:
-End of racial segregation
-Involvement of Africans in Leadership
-Reduced land alienation.
