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 Political Developments and the Struggle for Independence in Kenya (1919-1963)

Characteristics of independent churches and schools in Kenya during the colonial period

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Characteristics of independent churches and schools in Kenya during the colonial period.
a) All of them accommodated African cultural values.
b) Both churches and schools valued Christianity and western education but were against the westernizing influence by missionaries.
c) Africans held positions of leadership in the churches and schools.
d) Most Churches and schools worked closely with the African political association.
The independent churches and schools movement in central Kenya
Due to its proximity to Nairobi, the seat of colonial administration, central
Kenya experienced the presence of white settlers more than any other region in Kenya. The schools established by the so many missionary groups in the region only aimed at imparting basic literacy and numeracy skills to African converts. As they evangelized, the missionary groups condemned many traditional African practices and values like polygamy, consumption of traditional brews and female circumcision. These values were against African cultural perspective.
