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 Political Developments and the Struggle for Independence in Kenya (1919-1963)

The Kikuyu Independent Schools Association in the colonial Kenya and the challenges it faced

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The Kikuyu Independent Schools Association in the colonial Kenya
The Body was closely associated with the Independent Pentecostal Church and was predominantly in Murang’a, Nyeri and Embu.
-Following a showdown over female circumcision, the kikuyu elders got permission from the DC to build a prayer House around
-Gituamba on land donated by two elders, Kagere Gatundu and Gathai Gachohi of Thiru sub-location.
KISA was established to coordinate the efficient running of these schools with its leaders including Daudi Maina Kiragu, Musa Muriithi, Hezekiah Gachui, Peter Gathecha and Johana Njoroge.
The Challenges encountered by KISA included:
a) There were inadequate funds to support the large number of pupils and schools.
b) Many teachers were untrained.
c) Many of the KISA leaders lacked proper management skills.
d) Mission schools fought the efforts of KISA leaders.
