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 Political Developments and the Struggle for Independence in Kenya (1919-1963)

Kikuyu Independent schools in colonial Kenya

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Kikuyu Independent schools in colonial Kenya
-Kikuyu elders out of the desire for western education for their children, without necessarily being Europeanized, set up independent schools. In 1913, a -Kikuyu elder, Mukunga wa Njehu, donated land at Gaithieko, Kiambu where the first independent school In central kenya was built.
-In 1925, another school had been built and registered at Githunguri.
-The independent Schools Movement emerged in the 1920s as a result of the expulsion from mission schools of the children of the supporters of female circumcision. The two bodies that emerged as a consequence were Kikuyu Independent Schools
-Association (KISA) and the Kikuyu Karinga Educational Association (KKEA)
