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 Social, political and economic developments and challenges in Africa

Political developments in Tanzania since independence:
At the time of independence, Tanzania comprised of two countries. I.e. Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Tanzania became independent in 1961 under Julius Nyerere while Zanzibar became independent in 1963 under the Sultan Seyyid Abdullah. In 1962, Tanzania became a
one-party state with a republican constitution and an executive president. On 22nd April 1964, Julius Nyerere and Sheikh Abeid Karume signed a union document. In 1967, president Nyerere adopted the ideology of African Socialism through the Arusha Declaration In 1972, the first Vice-president, Sheikh Abeid Karume, was assassinated. In 1973, the capital of Tanzania was transferred from Dar-esSalam to Dodoma. In 1967, the ruling party in the Mainland TanganyikaTANU and Afro-Shirazi Party in Zanzibar merged to form Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM).

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