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 Social, political and economic developments and challenges in Africa

Political developments in Democratic Republic of Congo since independence:
The Belgians relinquished their political dominion of Congo by granting them autonomy on 30th June 1960. Patrice Lumumba (Prime Minister) of Congolese National Movement Party and Joseph Kasavubu of Abako Party (Head of State) formed a fragile coalition government. The period between 1960 and 196 witnessed power struggle between Kasavubu and Lumumba on one side and Secessionist Moise Tsombe
of Katanga and Albert Kalonji of Kasai on the other side. In 1961, Patrice Lumumba was assassinated. In 1964, a new constitution was formulated as a way of solving the political problems that plagued Zaire soon after independence. On 23rd November 1965, Joseph Desire Mobutu organized a bloodless military coup, which removed the civilian
government of president Kasavubu and Prime Minister Sylvester Kimba. In the same year, Mobutu banned all political parties.

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