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 Form 2 Chemistry lessons on chemical families

Trends in physical properties of elements in period three

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Trends in physical properties of elements in period 3.
Electrical conductivity.
- Sodium, magnesium and aluminium are good conductors of electricity.
They all have giant metallic structures with delocalized electrons which conduct electricity;
- The electrical conductivity increases from sodium to aluminium.
Electrical conductivity increases with increase in the number of delocalized electrons; thus aluminium with the highest number of delocalized electrons (3) in each atom will have the highest electrical conductivity;
- In the metals the electrical conductivity decreases with increase in temperature.
- Increase in temperature distorts the alignment of electrons thus preventing their easy flow and hence poor conductivity;
- Phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine and argon do not conduct electric current.
Reason: They all have molecular structures and all the electrons in the atoms are used in bonding; thus they lack delocalized electron or free ions for electrical conductivity.
- Silicon conducts electric current, and its electrical conductivity increases with increase in temperatures.
- It is a semi-conductor; making it a very unique element in this period.
- A semi-conductor is a crystalline material which only conducts electricity under certain conditions.
