How alkaline earth metals react with chlorine.
Answer Text: 4. Reaction of alkaline earth metal with chlorine.- Alkaline earth metals react with chlorine to form corresponding chlorides as the only products.Magnesium.Procedure: - A piece of burning magnesium is lowered into a gas jar containing chlorine.Observations: - The metal continues to burn with a brilliant white flame.- They grey solid forms a white powder.Explanation.- Reaction between magnesium and chlorine is exothermic.- The heat produced keeps the metal burning; thus facilitates the reaction between magnesium and chlorine to form magnesium chloride, which is the white powder.Equation: Mg(s)+Cl2(g)→MgCl2(s)Magnesium.Procedure: - A piece of burning calcium is lowered into a gas jar containing chlorine.Observations and explanations.- The metal burns shortly with an orange flame but soon smolders off.- There is no steady reaction between calcium and chlorine.Reason:- When calcium is heated a coating of the metal oxide is formed first which preventsfurther reaction between the metal and chlorine.- However under suitable conditions calcium reacts with chlorine to form a white powder of calcium chloride.Equation: Ca(s)+Cl2(g)→CaCl2(s)