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 Form 4 Geography wildlife and tourism online video lessons

Problems facing tourism in kenya

 (6m 59s)
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Problems facing Tourism in Kenya
1. Insecurity whereby tourists are robbed of their belongings which discourages potential tourists from visiting the country.
2. Ethnic clashes in tourist attraction areas which make tourists to stay away than put their lives at risk e.g. ethnic clashes in Molo.
3.Illegal hunting of animals which reduces some rare wildlife species which attract tourists which reduces the number of tourists visiting the country. Some tourists encourage poaching by buying trophies and involvement in smuggling skins, ivory and other articles out of the country.
4. Terrorism attacks such as the bombing of tourist resort at Kikambala which causes foreign countries to issue travel advisories to their citizens which reduces the number of tourists.
5. Pollution of aquatic systems such as L. Nakuru which has caused the death of flamingos reducing the number of tourists since
some are specifically attracted by flamingos.
6. International media giving negative publicity of Kenya by portraying it as an insecure country.
7. Air fares from and to many parts of the world is high due to high fuel prices which discourages tourists from coming to Kenya.
