Tourist attractions in Kenya: main attractions at the coast of Kenya
Answer Text: Tourist Attractions in KenyaMain Attractions at the Coast of Kenya(b) Beautiful natural uncrowded and unpolluted sandy beaches which are ideal for sun-bathing (sitting or lying in strong sunlight in order to make the body brown).(c) Warm and sunny climate due to tropical location which attracts tourists from temperate regions who escape from the harsh winter cold and come for health purposes.(d) Water sports like yatching, surfing and sport fishing which are carried out in the Indian Ocean.(e) Historical sites such as Fort Jesus, Gedi ruins, Vasco Dagama and slave caves in Malindi and Shimoni.(f) Traditional culture of the coastal people e.g. they have a unique way of dancing, songs, clothing and handicrafts and shrines e.g. Kaya of the Mijikenda which attracts tourists.(g) Mangrove swamps which have unique plants and different species of fish, snails, snakes, birds etc.