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 Form 3 History: European Invasion and the Process of Colonization of Africa

Factors that aided Samori Toure in offering a protracted resistance to the Europeans.

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Factors that aided Samori Toure in offering a protracted resistance to the Europeans.
a) He had established military workshops with a trained cadre of artisans whom he used to repair and manufacture his own weapons.
b) He himself was a courageous fighter, a greater organizer and a
military tactician and he personally commanded his army on the battlefield.
c) His adoption of the Scorched Earth Policy as he mobilized the entire population to retreat left the French to starve and delay their advance.
d) The success witnessed in trade enabled him to acquire guns and horses from the north, which
were important in the resistance.
e) Through trade and subsequent tribute collection, he obtained adequate wealth, which he used to maintain a large army.
