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 Form 3 History: European Invasion and the Process of Colonization of Africa

Course of the franco-mandinka war and the disadvantages of Samori’s second empire at Dabakala

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Course of the franco-mandinka war:
Samori waged a seven –year war against France whose army was led by Major Archinard. In 1891, with his improved weaponry and reorganized army, he defeated the French. In 1892, French forces overran the major centers of the Mandinka Empire, leaving death and destruction in their
wake. Between 1893 and 1898, Samori’s army retreated eastward, toward the Bandama and Como, resorted to the scorched earth tactic, destroying every piece of land he evacuated. He moved his capital east from Bisandugu to Dabakala, thus creating a second empire in 1893. This enabled him to delay the French.
Disadvantages of Samori’s second empire at Dabakala.
a) He was cut off from Freetown where he used to buy firearms.
b) He was at war with the communities, which he had attacked in his expansionist wars.
c) His southern frontier was open to French attacks from the Ivory Coast.
d) At his new empire, Samore was cut off from his gold mines at Bure thus; he had no wealth to keep his army running.
