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 Form 2 CRE lessons about Jesus and the twelve disciples

The Transfiguration of Jesus.

 (6m 5s)
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Transfiguration can be defined as the transformation of the physical body into heavenly glory.
As Jesus was preparing for his last days of his ministry in Galilee, he took with him Peter, James and John and went up to the mountain to pray. Note that this is one of the occasions that Jesus went with the three disciples to pray.
They went up the mountain because mountains had been associated with God.As Jesus prayed, his disciples fell asleep. As he was praying, his appearance changed.
His face shone like the sun and his clothes became dazzling white And behold two men talked with him; Moses and Elijah.
When Peter, John and James woke up, they saw Jesus’ body transformed and two men who stood with him.
Peter suggested that they build three booths or tents- one for Jesus, one for Moses and the other for Elijah.
But as he was still talking a thick cloud came and covered the three and a voice was heard from the crowd echoing, “This is my son, my chosen, listen to him.”
And when the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. And Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone.
