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 Form 2 CRE lessons about Jesus and the twelve disciples

The commissioning of the twelve disciples.

 (6m 53s)
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Jesus knew that his time was nearing and he wanted his disciples to continue spreading the good news. He therefore called the 12 disciples and commissioned them.
-Commissioning them meant that he gave them power and authority.
They were given the following instructions;
1.They were to go out and exorcise demons.
2.Heal the sick.
3.Preach the word of God.
4.They were instructed not to carry anything for the journey. This was a sign that they had to abandon earthly things for the Kingdom of God.
5.He also told them to stay in a house where they were received. Here they would be taken care of and provided for.
6.And whenever they were not received they were to shake off the dust from their feet as a testimony against them. This showed that the apostles had no association with those who rejected the Good News. After being commissioned by Jesus,
The disciples left and travelled through all the villages ,preaching the Good News - The preaching and healing by the apostles disturbed Herod. He was confused because some thought that he was Elijah or one of the prophets of the Old Testament had appeared. Others thought that may be John the Baptist had come back to life. He wished to meet Jesus in person.
