In this lesson we are going to discuss the Factors Favouring the Development of Softwood Forests Kenya
Answer Text: Softwood Forests in Kenyaand CanadaFactors Favouring theDevelopment of SoftwoodForests Kenya1. Cool climate of Kenyahighlands which enablesconiferous forests to thrivee.g. Mt. Kenya and Aberdares.2. Heavy rainfall received inKenya highlands and lowevaporation rates whichsupports forest growth.3. Ruggedness and steepnessof some parts of Kenyahighlands making themunsuitable for settlementthereby leaving forests tothrive.4. High demand for timber andwood products locally andoutside the country whichencourages tree farming.Canada1. Cool and cold climatewhich favours growth ofconiferous forests.2. Very low averagetemperatures in the interiorwhich favours the growth ofconiferous forests.3. Ruggedness and steepnesssuch as of British Columbiawhich discourages agricultureand settlement leaving foreststo thrive.4. Very low populationdensity leaving a lot of landavailable for forests.5. Heavy rainfall on thewindward slopes of mountainranges of British Columbiaand low evaporation in theeast giving sufficient moistureto sustain forests.Mode of ExploitationKenya• Workers are transporteddaily to logging sites in Kenyawhile in Canada settlement isset for workers within forests.• Power saws are used in bothcountries to fell trees but axesare used to a limited extent inKenya.• In Kenya transportation oflogs is by tractors and lorrieswhile in Canada rivers arewidely used to transport logsby floating.• In both countries logging issystematic and it is done inblocks.