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 Form 2 Geography Online Lessons on Forestry

In this lesson we are going to discuss the Problems Facing Forestry in Kenya

 (4m 30s)
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Problems Facing Forestry in
1. Encroachment by people by
clearing them to create room
for agriculture and settlement,
grazing etc. which puts some
plants and animal species in
danger of extinction.
2. Destruction especially of
young trees by herbivorous
wild animals such as elephants
due to rapid increase in the
3. Destruction of huge tracts
of forests by fires caused by
poachers, honey harvesters
etc. especially during the dry
4. Pests and diseases outbreak
which can result in destruction
of large tracts of land with
valuable tree species e.g. there
was an outbreak of aphids in
1980s which destroyed
5. Overexploitation whereby
the trees are harvested at a
higher rate than which they
are being replaced naturally
and also harvesting of
immature trees.
6. Excision of forests e.g. by
converting some parts of
forests into private land,
government land like Nyayo
Tea Zones and public utilities
like Agricultural Show
Grounds which has resulted
into reduction of the area
under forests.
7. Poor management of forests
e.g. clear cutting which may
lead to harvesting of immature
trees in future, government
officials carrying out illegal
logging and government in the
past having not been strict in
forest conservation of forests
which led to destruction of
large areas of forests.
