In this lesson we are going to discuss the Problems Facing Forestry in Kenya
Answer Text: Problems Facing Forestry inKenya1. Encroachment by people byclearing them to create roomfor agriculture and settlement,grazing etc. which puts someplants and animal species indanger of extinction.2. Destruction especially ofyoung trees by herbivorouswild animals such as elephantsdue to rapid increase in thepopulation.3. Destruction of huge tractsof forests by fires caused bypoachers, honey harvestersetc. especially during the dryseason.4. Pests and diseases outbreakwhich can result in destructionof large tracts of land withvaluable tree species e.g. therewas an outbreak of aphids in1980s which destroyedcypress.5. Overexploitation wherebythe trees are harvested at ahigher rate than which theyare being replaced naturallyand also harvesting ofimmature trees.6. Excision of forests e.g. byconverting some parts offorests into private land,government land like NyayoTea Zones and public utilitieslike Agricultural ShowGrounds which has resultedinto reduction of the areaunder forests.7. Poor management of forestse.g. clear cutting which maylead to harvesting of immaturetrees in future, governmentofficials carrying out illegallogging and government in thepast having not been strict inforest conservation of forestswhich led to destruction oflarge areas of forests.