In this lesson we are going to discuss the comparison of softwood forests in Kenya and Canada
Answer Text: Comparison of softwoodforests in Kenya and CanadaSimilarities• Soft wood forests in bothcountries experience theproblems of pests anddiseases, fires, soil erosionand overexploitation.• Softwood forest products aresimilar e.g. sawn timber, woodpulp, paper, poles, etc.• Softwood forests in bothcountries grow in places withheavy rainfall, cooltemperatures, heavy rainfalland rugged terrain.• Forest products earn foreignexchange in both countries.• Tree species are similar e.g.there is pine in both countries.Differences• Species of trees differ e.g. inKenya there is Kenya cedarand podo while in Canadathere is Douglas fir and whitepine.• Canada’s soft woods aremainly natural while Kenya’sare mostly planted.• Kenya’s softwood forests arefound in highlands whileCanada’s are found inlowlands due to cooltemperatures.• Canada’s softwood forestscover large tracts of land thanKenya’s.• In Kenya softwood forestsare propagated byafforestation while in Canadait’s by leaving some treesuncut so that they produceseeds to be dispersednaturally.• Canada’s softwood foreststake longer to mature thanKenya’s due to severe wintertemperatures.• Kenya’s softwood forests areplanted in rows and easilyexploitable unlike Canada’swhich grow naturally andhaphazardly.