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 Form 1 Chemistry: Water and Hydrogen online lessons

Uses of Hydrogen gas

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Uses of Hydrogen
1. Large scale manufacture of ammonia in the Haber process;
2. Hydrogenation for the manufacture of margarine.
- This refers to hardening of oils into fats.
- In this reaction Hydrogen gas is bubbled into liquid oil in presence of nickel catalyst;
- The oil takes up hydrogen and is converted into fat;
3. Hydrogen is used in weather balloons because it is lighter than air;
- Usually a radio transmitter is connected to a weather balloon filled with air; as the balloon floats in air the transmitter collects information which is conveyed to weather stations for interpretation by meteorologists;
4. A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen forms the very hot oxy-hydrogen flame (with temperatures up to
2000oC that is used in welding and cutting metals;
5. It is used in rocket fuels for propulsion of rockets;
6. Manufacture of hydrochloric acid; during which hydrogen is burnt in chlorine;
