Differences and similarities between chemical and nuclear reactions
Answer Text: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHEMICAL vs NUCLEAR REACTIONS-Nuclear and chemical reaction has the followingsimilarities:(i)-both involve the subatomic particles; electrons, protons and neutrons in an atom(ii)-both involve the subatomic particles trying to make the atom more stable.(iii)-Some for of energy transfer/release/absorb from/to the environment take place.-Nuclear and chemical reaction has the followingdifferences:(i) Nuclear reactions mainly involve protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.Chemical reactions mainly involve outer electrons in the energy levels an atom.(ii) Nuclear reactions form a new element.Chemical reactions do not form new elements(iii) Nuclear reactions mainly involve evolution/production of large quantity of heat/energy.Chemical reactions produce or absorb small quantity of heat/energy.(iv)Nuclear reactions are accompanied by a loss in mass/mass defect.Do not obey the law of conservation of matter.Chemical reactions are not accompanied by a loss in mass/ mass defect hence obey the law of conservation of matter.(v)The rate of decay/ disintegration of the nuclide is independent of physical conditions (temperature/pressure /purityp/article size)The rate of a chemical reaction is dependent on physical conditions (temperature/pressure/purity/ particle size/ surface area)