Describe the structure and functions of the various parts of the human ear.
Answer Text: (i) Pinna – it has funnel shaped to collect and directs sound waves into external auditory meatus.(ii) External auditory meatus – concentrates sound waves to the tympanum which vibrates. It has hairs that prevents entry of dust particles or any foreign materials, to avoid obstruction of sound waves and has wax secreting cells that secret wax to trap insects, dust or foreign materials that can damage the ear drum(iii) Tympanic membrane- it is a thin membrane which vibrates according to sound waves that hit it, converting sound waves into vibrations. Sound waves are then transmitted to the ear ossicles: ear ossicles; these are 3 bones namely malleus, avil and incus. They are joined firmly to one another by ligaments to transmit vibration across the middle ear.They form a system of levels which amplify and transmit sound vibrations to the oval window. The ossicles are suspended in the air by muscles to vibrate more freely and prevent excessive vibration.(iv) Oval window- thin membrane to vibrate effectively and smaller insize than tympanum. It amplifies vibrations and transmits them to the fluids in the cochlea.