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 Form 2 History and Government online lessons on urbanization

Factors that led to growth of Athens.

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Factors that led to growth of Athens.
(a) Trade and commerce. Their soils of the surrounding areas were infertile and, therefore could not support agriculture. The Athenians therefore resorted to trade to obtain foods in
exchange for wine, wool and olive oil.
(b) Security. Athens was located in an easily defensible place. The town was surrounded by water, valleys and highlands making it difficult for an external enemy to attack.
(c) Religious activities. The area was a worship centre. People coming to the Parthenon temple contributed to the growth of the town.
(d) Accessibility and communication network. The port of Athens was located about six kilometres
from the city thus making Athens a transport centre.
(e) Availability of water. This provided water for domestic use.
Functions of Athens.
(a) It was a cultural centre. The Greeks loved to watch play. In Athens,
there was the great theatre of Epidaurus.
(b) An educational centre. In Athens, every person was taught how to read and write. Athens became a centre of scholarly work producing great thinkers like Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras,
Archimedes and Aristotle.
(c) Athens was a sports centre. There were Gymnasiums where boys were taught games which were developed into what came to be known as Olympics.
(d) Religious centre. The Parthenon temple was a great manifestation of this function. People coming to the Parthenon temple contributed to the growth of the town.
