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 Form 2 Business Studies Online Lessons on Transport

Water Transport:reasons why most rivers in Kenya are not navigable

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Water Transport
-It is a mode of transport where the units of carriage transport goods and people on water. Water in this case includes; navigable rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. The means of transport which are the units of carriage or vessels using this mode include; ships, dhows, boats, steamers and ferries. Water transport can be divided into inland
waterways and sea transport.
Inland waterways
This is transport carried out on lakes, rivers and inland canals. The Lake Victoria facilitates transport among the three east African countries i.e. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
Most rivers in Kenya are not navigable due to reasons such as:
-Too small
-Presence of rapids and waterfalls
-Too shallow
-Most are seasonal
-High gradient
Sea Transport
This is where goods and people are transported in seas and oceans. All types of water vessels may be used in sea transport
