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 Form 2 Business Studies Online Lessons on Transport

Modes of transport, Means of transport under land transport and Advantages of Human Porterage

 (5m 53s)
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Mode refers to the manner in which transport is carried out. There are three modes of transport namely:
-Land transport
-Water transport
-Air transport
1) Land transport
-This mode of transport involves movement of goods
and people using units of carriage that move on dry land.
The means of this transport mode are:
-Human porterage
a) Human Porterage
This involves human beings carrying goods on their heads, shoulders or backs.
Advantages of Human Porterage:
-Could be the only means of transport available
-Compliments other means of transport
-Flexible as it has no fixed time table or routes
-May be a cheap means compared to other means of transport
-Readily available when required
-Convenient over short distances
