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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on fishing

Similarities between fishing in Kenya and Japan

 (6m 56s)
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Comparison between Fishing in Kenya and Japan
- Both countries carry out inland and marine fishing activities.
- There is overexploitation of fish resources in both countries.
- There is fish farming in both countries to supplement natural fisheries.
- Both countries experience the problem of pollution whereby in Kenya it’s by industrial effluents and agricultural chemicals and in Japan by
industries dumping mercury into the sea.
- Modern methods of preserving and processing fish such as refrigerated vessels and fish filleting are used in both countries.
- Fish is consumed locally and exported in both countries.
- In both countries fishermen have organised themselves into co-operatives.
- In both countries fishing faces the problem of restriction e.g. in japan by Korean Government while in Kenya
they are restricted from Ugandan and Tanzanian waters.
