Christian teaching on male and female relationships
Answer Text: CHRISTIAN TEACHING ON MALE AND FEMALE RELATIONSHIPS.The Christian view of male and female relationship is that men and women were created as equal human beings. Both men and women were created in God’s image and likeness.The Bible also teaches that:-Both man woman share a common origin.-Man was created from the soil and the woman was created from his flesh.-Man and woman are co-creators with God. They have a duty and responsibility to pass on the gift of life through procreation. They should befruitful, multiply and fill the earth.-Both man and woman are created to complement each other, have companionship and love for one another.-The union of male and female is consummated in marriage. They are supposed to live together in a marriage relationship until death separates. In the NewTestament, Jesus taught that once a man and a woman are joined in a marriage relationship, there should be no divorce. Paul also taught that:-Each man should have his own wife and each woman should have her own husband to avoid immorality.-Husbands and wives should not deny each other conjugal rights because none of them has powers over his or her body.-Husbands and wives should subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.-The husband is the head of the family, but should love his wife and treat her well.-Both husband and wife are joint heirs of grace of life.-Christians do not forbid males and females relating freely and working together. They are however encouraged to uphold virtues of chastity and abstain from pre-marital sex. Before marriage young adults are given pre-marital counselling which providesthem with knowledge and skills of how to relate as male and female in marriage. Faithfulness is strongly emphasized as a means of maintaining good relationship within the marriage institution.