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 Form 2 CRE: Wealth, poverty, faith and prayer online lessons

The rich young ruler (Luke. 18:18-30)

 (5m 34s)
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A rich man once came to Jesus wanting to know what he must do to receive eternal life. He told Jesus “Good teacher, what shall I do to inherit life. Jesus asked him why he was referring to him as ‘Good’. According to Jesus only God was good. Jesus responded by reminding him of the commandments as stated in
Exodus 20:12-16). The man said he had kept all these ever since he was young. Jesus told him to go and sell everything he had, give to the poor and follow him. When the rich man heard this, he became sad. Jesus then said to him “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus uses this incident to teach the dangers attached to riches.
This implies that it is impossible for people who value wealth more than God to go to heaven. Jesus did not condemn wealth but its poor use. The people who heard Jesus wondered who then could be saved, because the Jews believed that wealth was a sign of God’s blessing. Peter then asked what they as disciples will receive since they left home to follow him.
Jesus acknowledged this and emphasized that those who have made a decision to follow him will receive salvation in the present life and the age to come.
