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 Form 2 CRE: Wealth, poverty, faith and prayer online lessons

The power of faith (Luke. 17:1-37)

 (5m 16s)
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Faith is complete trust in somebody or something. From the biblical point of view, faith is seen as a complete trust and obedience to God. In the bible a number of people demonstrated their faith in God. Such included Abraham.
Jesus warned his disciples against leading weaker believers to sin. He says it would be better for such a person be thrown into the sea.
Jesus also advised his disciples to forgive those who wrong them constantly.
A Christian must be willing to forgive as many times as possible. For them to forgive those who sin against them require strong faith. He also tells them of the power of faith. It makes even the impossible possible.
He gives an illustration of the mastered seed. He says, “If you had faith as a grain of mastered seed, you could say to this sycamore tree: Be rooted up... and it would obey.” The disciples were also reminded that they were servants of God. They should not expect to receive thanks from God for performing God given duties.
