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 Form 3 Geography Online Lessons on Agriculture

In this lesson we are going to discuss about dairy farming in Denmark

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Answer Text:
- A small country in W.Europe.
- The greatest exporter of dairy products.
Physical Factors
a) Low lying relatively flat land which makes it ideal for dairy farming.
b) Cool to warm temperature (0.4-16.6◦c) which facilitates the growth of natural pasture.
c) Soils derived from boulder clay which is constantly enriched with animal manure and fertilizer which are good
for the growing of fodder crops.
d) Availability of a variety of fodder crops, manufactured feeds and supplements leading to high milk production.

Human Factors
- Mechanization of most dairy farms e.g. machines for milking are widely used.
- Big market for dairy products locally and in other European countries due to a high purchasing power.
- Availability of adequate capital and modern technology which has improved production and storage of dairy products.
- Extensive use of artificial insemination which improves the quality of breeds making dairy farming a success.
- Rapid growth of cooperative movement which are very competitive causing farmers to strive to get products of high quality.
