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 Form 3 Geography Online Lessons on Agriculture

In this lesson we are going to discuss about the organisation of dairy farming

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Organisation of Dairy farming
- The main breeds kept are Friesian and Ayrshire and cross breeds between indigenous and exotic breeds.
- Carried out for both subsistence and commercial purposes.
- Farmers depend on fodder and natural grass.
- There are cooperatives which provide processing, marketing and credit services to farmers.
- Dairy farming is less mechanised.
- Few farmers have access to AI services since their privatisation.

Dairy farming is carried out by individual farmers in largescale.
It’s carried out for commercial purposes.
The breeds reared are Danish Holstein which is the traditional cow, Friesian (75%), Ayrshire and channel island cows.
Livestock are kept indoors for between 4-5 months during winter.
Farmers mainly depend on fodder than natural grass because temperatures are cold most of the year.
There are thousands of cooperatives provide processing, credit, advisory and research services.
Dairy farming is highly mechanised with machines such as combined harvesters, Lorries, ploughs and seed drills being
provided by co-operatives.

Processing of Milk
- Pasteurisation - Heating liquid milk to 75◦c for about 15 minutes.
- Sterilization - Heating to 100◦c for a short time to kill bacteria which survived pasteurisation.
- Homogenising - Breaking and distributing fat particles throughout the milk to ensure a layer of cream doesn’t form of milk.
- Ultra heat treatment - Heating milk beyond 100◦c.
- Processed further into products such as butter, ghee or cheese.
- The products are packed ready for distribution to consumers.

- It’s done by KCC and Dairy board of Kenya.
- Farmers may take the milk to KCC by themselves.
- Local co-operatives also collect milk from farmers at various collection points and take it to KCC.
- After processing the products are sent to KCC depots for distribution to consumers.
- Some is exported to neighbouring countries such as Uganda.
- Other processors also market their milk locally and internationally.
- Done by co-operatives.
- The products are sold locally and abroad with major destination being EU such as Germany, UK, Sweden, etc.
- The government monitors quality by use of inspectors who endorse the quality by Lurmark.
- Agricultural Marketing Board and Danish Dairy Board promote exports by international trade fares and surveys.
- New markets are being explored in Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia and China.
