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 Form 3 Geography Online Lessons on Glaciation

In this lesson we are to discuss about the positive and negative significance of glaciation

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Significance of Glaciation
1. Some outwash plains have fertile morainic soils suitable for agriculture e.g. Canadian prairies where wheat is grown.
2. Water falls on hanging valleys are used for generation of H.E.P.
3. Glaciated highlands are a tourist attraction especially during winter when sporting activities such as skiing and ice skating are carried out.
4. Glacial lakes such as great lakes of N. America provide natural route ways and fish sources e.g. L. Superior and Huron.
5. Glaciated mountains are catchment areas for permanent rivers.
6. Sheltered water of fiords is a suitable breeding ground of fish as natural harbours.
7. Sand excavated from outwash plains and eskers is used for construction.

1. Land in glaciated areas can’t be fully utilized for agriculture due to being marshy because of boulder clay deposits e.g. central Ireland.
2. Infertile sands deposited in outwash plains make land unsuitable for agriculture.
3. Numerous lakes formed as a result of morainic deposits reduce the land available for agriculture.
4. Settlement and transportation in glaciated landscape is difficult due to ruggedness caused by glacial action.
