In this lesson we are going to discuss about the features resulting from glacial deposition
Answer Text: Features Resulting From Glacial Depositiona) Till Plain- Extensive area of flat relief resulting from burying of former valleys and hills by glacial deposits.b) Erratics- Large boulders of resistant rocks transported by glacier from highland and deposited on the till plain.c) Drumlins- Long egg shaped hills deposited and shaped under an ice sheet of very broad glacier.- Glacier deposits boulder clay at the valley bottom due to friction between the bed rock and the boulder clay.- With more deposition large mounds of deposits are formed.- The moving ice streamlines the till that has been deposited irregularly resulting into the upstream sides of the till beingsteep but smoothed.d) Terminal Moraine Ridge- Ridge like feature formed by extensive deposition of moraine along the edge of an ice sheet.- Ice remains stagnant for a very long time.- The ice at the edges of sheet melt and a lot of materials are deposited.e) Eskers- Long winding ridge composed of gravel formed by glacial deposition.- Streams carrying large amounts of load flow fast in a sub-glacial tunnel parallel to the direction of moving ice.- When the ice melts the tunnels collapse causing streams to slow down and deposit much of the load forming a ridge.f) Kame- Isolated hill made of sand and gravel which have been deposited in strata by glacial water.g) Kame Terrace- Ridge of sand and gravel occurring in narrow lakes that exist between the glacier and an adjacent highland.h) Outwash Plains - Wide gently sloping plain composed of gravel and sand formed by glacial deposition.- Formed when finer materials of terminal moraine are deposited in very thick layers over an extensive area forming a plain.