In this lesson we are going to define what a water table is and discuss on the different zones it has
Answer Text: Water Table- Water that infiltrates and percolates into the ground fills air spaces creating zones of saturation whose upper levels are called water tables.Zones of Saturationa) Zone of Non-saturation- Zone of permeable through which water passes but doesn’t remain in the pores for a long time.- Well sunk to this zone doesn’t contain any water.b) Zone of Intermittent Saturation- Zone which during the rain season the rocks are saturated with water while during the dry season they areunsaturated.Temporary water table - Upper level of ground water in the zone of intermittent saturation.- Zone of non-saturation and that of intermittent saturation are called vadose zone.c) Zone Of Permanent Saturation- Zone where pores spaces are permanently filled with water.Permanent water table - Upper level of ground water in the zone of permanent saturation.Presence of ground water leads to formation of springs, wells boreholes and artesian basins.