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 Form 3 Geography Lessons on Action of Water and Wind in Arid Areas

In this lesson we are going to discuss the significance of deserts and desert features

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Significance of Deserts and Desert Features
1. Loess soils are used for agriculture because they are very fertile e.g. in Huang He valley and Ukraine.
2. Loess soils in Europe and china have dug in caves which are inhabited during winter to provide warmth.
3. Desert features are a tourist attraction e.g. rock pedestals, Yardangs, Zeugen and sand dunes.
4. Oasis in deflation hollows are sources of water for domestic use.
5. Oasis water is also used for irrigation such as of date palms.
6. Deserts are good sites for testing military weapons, military training and experimenting ground for aircraft because they are
sparsely populated.
7. The scarce vegetation in deserts such as shrubs can be used in livestock keeping e.g. goats, camels etc.
8. The hot sun in deserts can be harnessed to provide electricity for lighting, pumping of water, etc.
9. Seasonal streams can be dammed to supply water to surrounding areas e.g. Kigombo dam in Mbororo in Taita which supplies water to
Voi town.

1. Some desert features can prevent physical development e.g. sand dunes can burry roads and it is difficult to
construct bridges across wadis.
2. Sand dunes can cover oasis and settlements.
3. Sand dunes may destroy rich agricultural land.
4. High temperatures, shortage of water, unreliable rainfall and lack of transport and communication infrastructure discourage settlement.
