In this lesson we are going to discuss the action of water on arid areas
Answer Text: Action of water in arid areas- Receives short occasional rains causing flash floods which erode, transport and deposit large loads of materialsproduced by weathering.- Water action is short lived.Resultant Features of Water Action in Arid Areasa) Wadis- Wide deep steep sided dry valley in a desert- Strong surface runoff and flash floods form rills.- Rills are enlarged into gullies.- Flash floods flow into gullies widening and deepening them to form wadis.Characteristics- Wide and deep- Steep with cliff like walls- Flat floor- Dry (lack permanent drainage)b) Dry River Valleys- Valleys in arid areas through which streams flow during the wet season and dry up in dry season e.g. in Turkana, Wajir and Mandera.c) Mesas and ButtesMesas - Extensive table like residual hills found in arid areas.Buttes - Smaller blocks of table like residual hills found in arid areas.Formation- First there are sedimentary rocks occurring in layers with a resistant one on top and a less resistant below.- Weathering breaks the hard cap.- Then sheet floods break the surface and carries materials away.- Large outstanding blocks are left which are called mesas.- Mesas may be eroded farther to form smaller blocks called buttes.Features in an Inland Drainage Basin- Gently sloping rock surface formed at the edges of desert uplands.- A steep/scarp slope of a highland is eroded by sheet flooding reducing its height.- The process continues causing the scarp slope to shift its position upwards.- The gently sloping surface of 6-7◦results at the foot of the upland.d) Playas/sebkha- Extensive inland drainage basin in a desert formed by deflation or crustal warping or a small fluctuating salty lake contained in an inland drainagebasin in a desert formed when water from torrential outpours flows into the basin by multiple temporary streams e.g. Chemchane sebkha inMauritania.e) PeripedimentMaterials dry up leaving a hard salty crustal surface called Salina/salar e.g. in Arizona desert in U.S.A.f) Pedimentg) PeneplainLow level plain formed when pediments are eroded to form a low level plain.h) Pediplain- Extensive low and gently sloping lands common in deserts.- Pediments surrounding a highland are extended by sheet erosion.- With time the highland is reduced to a residual hill like Inselbergs.- The hill is eventually eroded forming a continuous plain(Pediplain)i) Inselbergs- Prominent residual rocks in a desert.- Formed by extension of pediments into upland areas.TypesBonhardt - Steep isolated round topped mass of rock rising steeply from desert surface.- Dissection of plateau by streams producing steep sided valleys.- The plateau is further eroded forming remnant hills e.g. Sugar Loaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Castle kopje –Residual rocks in a desert found in groups.- Formed from break down of Bonhardt with closely spaced joints.- Or deep withering of a plateau edges. - Weathered rocks are then removed by water reducing plateau into Inselbergs e.g. Nzambani rock in Kitui.