In this lesson we are going to discuss what river rejuvenation is and ways in which it occurs
Answer Text: River Rejuvenation- Renewal of erosive activity of a river.- Happens in the old stage.CausesA. Change in the Base LevelBase level is the lowest level to which a river can erode its bed.Rejuvenation resulting is called dynamic rejuvenation1. Drop in sea level- The river mouth moves further seawards.- A steep gradient occurs between the old and the new mouths causing the river to starts to move swiftly.- Vertical erosion resumes extending back to the flood plain.2. Uplift of a section of land along the rivers course.- Faulting or folding may occur.- A section of land along a rivers course is uplifted.- The gradient is increased causing the river to flow swiftly and undercut through the uplifted section.- An antecedent gorge is formed.3. Unequal sinking of land along a rivers course.- The downstream side sinks more than the upstream one.- An increase ingredient occurs causing the river to flow swiftly- The river starts to undercut more vigorously than before.B. Increase in Rivers DischargeRejuvenation resulting is called static rejuvenation- The rivers discharge increases due to high precipitation or capture.- The rate of erosion becomes higher due to increased discharge.- The river starts to undercut more vigorously.C. Change in Rock Structure- A river passes a resistant rock and starts flowing over a less resistant rock.- The river starts eroding more vigorously into the softer rocks.Features of RiverRejuvenation1. Knick Points- A sudden break of slope in a rivers profile as a result of change in sea level.2. River Terraces- Step like features formed when a river rejuvenates and cuts a new valley through the flood plain causing a platform will form where the floor of theformer flood plain was.3. Water Falls- Are formed when knick points are deepened e.g. Charlotte falls in Sierra Leone.4. Antecedent Gorges- Gorges which form where a river undercuts though a section of land that is being uplifted e.g. Turkwel gorge.5. Incised Meanders- Meanders that have been cut deeper into by a rejuvenated river.Typesa) Entrenched Meanders- Formed from vertical erosion causing both valleys to be steep and symmetrical.b) Ingrown Meanders- Formed by lateral and vertical erosion causing one valley side to be steeper than the other and hence asymmetrical in cross section.6. Abandoned Meanders- Meanders abandoned during formation of oxbow lakes when the river takes a short-cut leaving an enclosed portion ofland surrounded by an oxbow lake.