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 Form 3 Geography Online Lessons on Action of Rivers

In this lesson we are going to discuss about the Development of a River Profile

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Development of a River Profile
- Longitudinal section of a river from source to mouth.
1. Youthful/ Torrent Stage
a) Steep gradient.
b) The river flows very fast.
c) Vertical erosion is dominant.
d) Headward erosion is evident.
a) V- shaped valleys
b) Waterfalls
c) Rapids
d) Potholes
e) Gorges
f) Interlocking spurs.
2. Mature/ Valley Stage
a) Low and almost regular gradient.
b) The flow is less swift.
c) The river is wider due to being joined by tributaries.
d) Lateral and vertical erosion but lateral is more active.
e) Deposition starts at some sections.
a) Wider open v-shaped valley
b) Meanders
c) River bluffs/cliffs
d) Slip off slopes
3. Old/ Plain Stage
a) Very gentle/almost level gradient.
b) Very slow flow of river.
c) The main work of the river is deposition.
d) Some lateral erosion occurs.
e) Seasonal floods are common.
a) Shallow broad flat bottomed
u-shaped valley.
b) Meanders
c) Oxbow lakes
d) Natural levees
e) Differed tributaries
f) Differed confluences
g) Braided channels
h) Flood plains
i) Deltas
j) Distributaries
