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 Chapter Summary of Blossoms of the Savannah

Oloisudori ambushes the Kaelos by the abrupt change of mind that he is coming the following day to take his bride. He wants specifically Resian to cook the meal. Kaelo tells Resian that she must make the meal for his business partner even though they had promised Yeiyo-kiti that they will be assisting her plastering her kitchen. She tries to plead with her father to excuse her to no avail. Through her mother’s intervention, remains home too and assist her serving the guests. Oloisudori arrives in a procession of four chauffeur-driven four-wheel drive vehicles. He comes with gifts of elegant fabrics for every member of Ole kaelo’s family. To Resian he gives twelve lengths of different kinds of materials, a golden pendant, a golden bracelet and a golden ring.
After the meal Taiyo attempts to dig for information about the grand visit but fails because she notices that he is irritated by the interrogation. She tries another line of...

 (14m 13s)
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