In this lesson we are going to discuss about the different types of local winds
Answer Text: Local Winds -Which occur regularly for a short period of time affecting a limited area. -Modify the weather of the area they blow to. 1. Sea Breeze- A light and gentle wind which blows from the sea to the adjacent land. How it Forms • During the day land is heated faster than the sea.• Air over the land is warmed and rises. • Air from the sea moves to the land to replace the rising air. • The rising air from the land cools and descends over the sea at high altitude. • Circulation continues until the pressure difference is reversed at night. Effects on weatherIt takes cooling effect on land on a hot afternoon. 2. Land Breeze -A light and gentle wind which blows from land to the sea during the night. How it Forms• At night land loses heat faster than the sea. • Air over the sea is warmed and rises. • Air from the land moves to the sea to replace the rising air. • Rising air from the sea descends over land at high altitude. • Circulation continues until pressure difference is reversed during the day.Effects on weather -It causes early morning showers through moisture brought towards land at high altitude.3. Anabatic winds (Valley Breeze)- Cool local winds which blow from the valley to the hill tops during summer afternoons. How it Forms • During the day hill tops are heated more than valley bottoms. • Air over the hill tops is warmed and rises. • Cool air over the valley move up to the hill to replace the rising air. Effect on weather- Cause afternoon showers on hilly grounds. 4. Katabatic/Descending Winds - Cold local winds which blow from hill tops to the valley during the night.• During the night hill tops lose heat faster than the valley. • Air over the valley is warmed and rises. • Cool air over the hill tops move to the valley by gravity to replace the rising air. Effect on Weather - Takes chilly conditions on valley bottoms. 5. Harmattan Winds-N.E winds which originate from Sahara and blow across W. Africa between November and March taking dry conditions there. 6. Fohn Winds (Alps) -Local cold winds which slide down the leeward side of the mountain at high speed and are warmed producing a temperature rise. Due to the high speed and temperature they are associated with wild fires.They are known as Chinook in Rocky Mountains, Santa Anas in California and Mistral in France.