In this lesson we are going to learn about the Instruments used in Measuring Elements of Weather
Answer Text: Instruments for Measuring Elements of Weather 1. Thermometer-temperature 2. Hygrometer-humidity 3. Rain gauge-rainfall 4. Barometer-air pressure 5. Sunshine recorder-sunshine duration and intensity 6. Wind vane –wind direction 7. Anemometer-wind speed 8. Evaporimeter-rate and amount of evaporation.The Stevenson Screen - A white wooden box mounted on 4 legs used to house thermometers and hygrometers. The instruments which are found in it are: 1. Maximum thermometer 2.Minimum thermometer3. Six’s thermometer 4. hygrometer-wet bulb and dry bulb thermometer Importance1. Provide shade conditions for accurate temperature recording. 2. Ensure safety of thermometers because they are delicate. Qualifications Which Make Stevenson Screen Suitable For Its Work1. Painted white for little absorption of solar heat energy. 2. Made of wood which is a bad conductor of heat. 3. Well ventilated to allow easier flow of air inside it. 4. Raised to prevent contact with terrestrial radiation. 5. Has double roof which acts as an insulator to prevent direct heating from the sun.