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 Form 4 Mathematics Paper 1 Exam Revision Questions With Answers Set 3

The diagram above shows a wooden structure which has a rectangular block and a cylindrical block. The rectangular block measures 100 cm by 50 cm by 40 cm and has a circular hole of radius 10 cm drilled right through it. The cylindrical block has a radius of 20 cm and height 25 cm.
(a) Taking π= 3.142, calculate
(i) the volume of wood used to make the rectangular block
(ii) the volume of wood used to make the cylindrical block.
(b) Find the total volume of wood used to make the structure in cubic metres.
(c) The density of wood is 0.6 g/cm3. Convert this density to kg/m3 and hence calculate the mass of the structure in kg.

 (4m 4s)
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