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 Form 2 Geography Exam Questions With Answers

a) What is an earthquake?
b) Give any two natural causes of earthquakes
c) Name three characteristics of the rift valley lakes of Kenya

 (3m 35s)
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Answer Text:
a) -Is a sudden and rapid movement/tremor of the earth crust. b) (a) Tectonic movements e.g. movement of tectonic
plates. They cause tectonic earthquakes. (b) Vulcanicity when magma movement displaces rocks suddenly shaking and shuttering them. (c) Gravitative force when crustal rocks collapse into cauldron due to gravity. (d) Energy release in the mantle when radioactivity takes place in mantle releasing explosive energy which sends shock waves outwards.
(e) Isostatic adjustment when the continental masses rise to restore the upset state of balance between sial and sima layers.
c)-They are long deep and narrow
-Most of them are salty
-They are fault lakes
