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 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Revision Questions and Answers Set 1

Identify the political challenges that Kenya has faced since 1964.

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Answer Text:
-1966-Oginga Odinga formed an opposition party KPU to challenge KANU.
-July 5th 1969-Mboya was assassinated causing chaos in the country.
-1974-An attempted coup which never materialized.
-1975-J.M. Kariuki was assassinated.
-1976-Change the constitution campaign to block Moi from ascending to power.
-1978-Kenyatta dies and Moi takes over as the second president of Kenya.
-1982-Attempted coup against Moi.
-Late 1980s-there was multi-party crusades which led to clampdown of opposition in the country.
-1988-Challenges of mlolongo system of voting which was widely maligned.
-1990-Assassination of Dr.Robert John Ouko.
-1992-Re-introduction of multi-partism and the outbreak of ethnic clashes.
-1997-Outbreak of ethnic clashes at the Coast and North Rift region.
-2002-The opposition parties came together and ganged up against the powerful President Moi’s successor/project, Uhuru Kenyatta.
