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 Form 4 Chemistry Organic Chemistry II Questions and Answers

(a) Alkanes are said to be saturated hydrocarbons.
(i) What is meant by saturated hydrocarbons.
(ii) Draw the structure of the third member of the alkane homologous series and name it.
(b) When the alkane, hexane,is heated to high temperature, one of the products is ethane.
(i) Write the equation for the reaction.
(ii) Name the process described in (b).
(c) Study the flow chart in figure 1 and answer the questions that follow.
(i) Identify A
(ii) State one physical property of B
iii) Draw the structure of D
(iv) Give a reason why D pollutes the environment.
(v) Write an equation for the formation of F.
(d) Describe an experiment which can be used to distinguish butane from butanol.

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