Meaning and nomenclature of alkanoic acids with examples
Answer Text: ALKANOIC ACIDS (CARBOXYLIC ACIDS)- Also called organic acids and form a homologous series with a general formula of CnH2n+1COOH; in which case n = (no. of carbon atoms - 1)- Members differ from each other by an additional CH2 group.- Their functional group is the carboxylic group (-COOH) which is attached to the alkyl group.- Graphical representation of carboxyl group i.e O-C-OH;Note: All carboxylic acids have the – COOH as the functional group but alkanoic acids are strictly alkanoic acids derived from alkanes Nomenclature of alkanoic acids- The ending of the corresponding alkane is replaced by 'oic acid’ . Examples;- Methane to methanoic acid.- Ethane to ethanoic acid.- They are named as if they are derived from alkanes through replacement of one of the hydrogen atoms by the -COOH group.Note: -Unlike alkanols the functional group (COOH) in alkanoic acids can only be at the end of the carbon chain.- The C in the COOH is always given the first position, while the substituents are given locants (numbers in reference to the first position).