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 Form 2 History and Government online lessons on communication

Modern means of communication and standard Features of cellphones.

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Modern means of communication.
- Numerous modes of communication have been evolved over time since the time primitive speech was the main means of communication.
- The modern means of communication include telephone, radio, television, video, cinema,
telegraph, telex, electronic mail, pager etc.
- The methods are categorized into telecommunications and print media.
- This is a term that describes the technology of receiving and sending messages by telephone, radio, television,
telegraph, telex, facsimile or e-mail.
- The message can be verbal, written or pictorial.
- There are a wide range of devices in telecommunication through which messages can be sent in a variety of ways.
- For example,
- This a communication device which is used to relay sound waves by converting them into electrical signals and then reconverting them into sound waves.
- The history of the invention of telephones starts with the success of a Scottish-born American
inventor, teaching speech to deaf children in Boston Massachusetts, Alexander Graham Bell, who built an experimental telegraph which broke down after one day.
- Bell constructed a transmitter and a receiver for which he received a patent on March 7, 1876.
- Radio transmission later replaced underground and submarine cables for long distance transmission.
- In 1877, Graham Bell opened the Bell Telephone Company.
- In 1900, it was sold to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)
- Dr. Martin Cooper, a former general manager of the systems division at Motorola is considered the inventor of the first modern portable handset, which he used for the first time in April 1973.
Standard Features of cellphones.
(a) They are used for making and receiving calls.
(b) All have a personal phone book.
(c) They all have the ability to send and receive SMS.
(d) They have the ability to store messages and display and record the telephone number of a caller.
