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 Form 4 Physics online lessons on thin lenses

Images formed by a converging lens.

 (10m 14s)
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Answer Text:
Images formed by a converging lens.
1.Object between the lens and the principal focus.
- Image formed behind the object
- Virtual
- Erect
- Magnified
2. Object at infinity.
- Image formed at the principal focus of the lens
- Real
- Inverted
- Diminished
3. Object at the principal focus (at F).
- Image is at infinity.
4. Object between the principal focus (F) and 2 F.
- Image situated beyond 2 F
- Real
- Inverted
- Magnified
5. Object at 2 F.
- Image is formed at 2 F
- Real
- Inverted
- Same size as the object
6. Object beyond F.
- Image moves nearer to F as object shifts further beyond 2F
- Real
- Inverted
- Diminished
