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 Form 3 Biology questions and answers on ecology

(a) Distinguish between a community and population.
(b) Describe how population of grasshoppers in a given area can be estimated.

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Answer Text:
a)- A community consists of all living organisms of different species in a habitat interacting with each other while a population consists
of organisms of a given species in a given area over a given period of time.
b)By using the capture recapture method: catch the grasshoppers count and mark using permanent ink, record and release and allow
time i.e 24 hours, recapture and count the marked and the unmarked, total population (p) is equal to the number of marked and unmarked
grasshoppers in the second sample (SC) multiplied by number of marked grasshoppers in the first sample (FM), divided by the number of grasshoppers
marked in the second sample that were recaptured (MR) i.e P=#frac{FMtimesSC}{MR}#
