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 Form 2 CRE lessons: The sermon on the plain

Lessons that Christians learn from the sermon on the plains.
- The poor are those who renounce their earthly wealth for the sake of the Kingdom of God, will be blessed , they will inherit the kingdom of God.
- The hungry and those who weep for the sake Christ should count themselves blessed for they would be satisfied in God’s kingdom.
- Those who face rejection for the sake of Christ should count themselves blessed for their reward will be great in heaven.
- The rich are warned against using their wealth to oppress the poor.
- Christians must live according to the teachings of Jesus.
- The followers of Christ must practice love and do good to those who hate them
- Christians should show generosity to others .They must be willing to share what they have with those who do not have.
- Christians are urged not to revenge.
- The followers of Christ are urged not to judge others so as not to be judged.

 (5m 54s)
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