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KCPE Revision: Place value and total value of numbers questions and answers
What is the value of digit 7 in the number 4705?
A. 7
B. 70
C. 700
D. 7000
(1m 37s)
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How many groups of tens would represent the value of the digit 4 in the number 14752? A. 4 B. 40 C. 400 D. 4000
What is the place value of the digit 2 in the answer to 8040 multiplied by 5? A. Ones B. Tens C. Hundreds D. Thousands
What is the value of digit 7 in the number 4705? A. 7 B. 70 C. 700 D. 7000
What is 30894 rounded off to the nearest ten? A. 30890 B. 30900 C. 31000 D. 30000
What is the number 29853 when rounded off to the nearest thousand? A. 29000 B. 29850 C. 29900 D. 30000
What is the place value of digit 5 in the number 1050067? A. Thousands B. Ten thousands C. Fifty thousand D. Hundred thousand
Multiply two thousand four hundred and sixty five by two hundred and thirty four. What is the answer rounded to the nearest ten thousands? A. 576000 B. 577000 C. 570000 D. 580000
Which one of the following numbers has the smallest value? A. 111010 B. 101101 C. 110110 D. 101011
What is 4990678 rounded off to the nearest thousand? A. 499000 B. 4990700 C. 4991000 D. 5000000
What is the place value of the digit 5 in the number 4573261? A. Hundred thousands B. Five hundred thousands C. Millions D. Five millions
How many times is the value of the digit 8 more than the value of digit 2 in the number 850265? A. 799800 B. 4000 C. 1000 D. 4
What is 899470 rounded off to the nearest ten thousand? A. 890000 B. 899000 C. 900000 D. 900470
What is the place value of digit 3 in the number 7830402? A. Hundred thousands B. Ten thousands C. Thousands D. Hundreds
What is 399.90485 rounded off to the nearest hundredth? A. 400 B. 399.905 C. 399.90 D. 399.9
What is the place value of digit 7 in the number 3470268? A. Thousands B. Ten thousands C. Seventy thousands D. Hundred thousands
What is the place value of the digit 6 in the number 2649053? A. Hundred thousands B. Millions C. Six hundred thousand D. Ten thousands
What is the number 29.34046 rounded off to the nearest thousandth? A. 29.5 B. 29.34 C. 29.340 D. 29.341
What is the sum of the total values of the digits in the hundreds and ten thousands positions in the number 693582? A. 95000 B. 90500 C. 10100 D. 9500
What is the total value of the digit 6 in the number 40607580? A. Six million B. Six hundred thousand C. Sixty thousand D. Hundred thousand
What is the difference between the total value of digit 3 and digit 9 in the number 6803901? A. 6 B. 2100 C. 3000 D. 3900
What is the place value of digit 6 in the number 706053? A. Six hundred B. Hundreds C. Six thousands D. Thousands
What is the place value of digit 2 in the product of the total value of digit 4 multiplied by the total value of digit 3 in the number 57438? A. Ones B. Tens C. Hundreds D. Thousands
In the number 14205, what is the difference between the total values of the digits 4 and 2? A. 4000 B. 3800 C. 4200 D. 200
What is the total value of digit 7 in the number 42765831? A. 7000 B. 70000 C. 700000 D. 7000000
In a certain country the population was 38898756. What was the population to the nearest ten thousand? A. 38900000 B. 38890000 C. 98899900 D. 38898800
What is the largest 6-digit number written in words that can be formed using the symbols 4, 2, 0, 8, 3 and 6? A. Four hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and thirty six B. Eight hundred and sixty four thousand three hundred and twenty. C. Eight million and sixty four thousand three hundred and twenty D. Two hundred and three thousand four hundred and sixty eight.
In the number 3078642, the total value of digit 7 is added to the total value of digit 4. Which one of the following is the correct answer? A. 70040 B. 700004 C. 7040 D. 740
What is the 2806198 rounded off to the nearest tens? A. 2806190 B. 2806210 C. 2806208 D. 2806200
How many groups of hundred are there in the total value of digit 5 for the number 450319.2? A. 50 B. 500 C. 5000 D. 50000
What is the difference between the total values of digits in the thousands and hundreds position in number 789240? A. 200 B. 8800 C. 9000 D. 9200
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